mending a caregivers broken heart

How to Mend a Caregiver’s Broken Heart

Dec 06, 2022

We know that there are no cures for diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, and Huntington’s. Witnessing the steady decline of someone we love who is afflicted with one of these diseases breaks your heart in a thousand different ways. 


So is there any way to mend a caregiver’s broken heart? Probably not, but there are strategies that can help you deal with your stress and loss, and there is an art form that might inspire you to take a unique approach to restore the broken pieces of your life. 


The art form is called Kintsugi. It is a type of Japanese art in which lacquer is mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum to form a glue that’s used to restore broken pottery. 


The philosophy behind this art is to recognize brokenness as part of the object’s history. The repair work emphasizes the beauty of putting the pieces back together rather than trying to hide or disguise the cracks.


Caregivers experience stress on a daily basis, and the losses we suffer as we watch the decline of someone we love are heartbreaking. 


Today, instead of trying to hide your pain or conceal your losses, try to mend the broken pieces of your heart with the emotional threads of love, courage, and strength.  

Thought for the Day: 

"I will strive to weave the broken pieces of my heart and relationship with my care receiver back together with love, gratitude, and happy memories."



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