A Man With Dementia Chooses Courage, Kindness, & Dignity
Oct 23, 2024At an Alzheimer’s caregiving conference, I was inspired when a man named Barney described how he was choosing to live with dementia.
Barney had become frustrated because he couldn’t find the “Text” key on his computer. He searched and searched and couldn’t find it.
Deciding something must be wrong with his computer, he went to his wife’s laptop, thinking he might find the “Text” key there. I’m not sure how he discovered or remembered that you can only send texts from cell phones, but once he did remember, he knew for certain that something was wrong with his brain.
He made an appointment with a neurologist right away. When he was told he had Lewy Body Dementia, his wife suggested they create a bucket list. He said, “Maybe we could go to Paris.”
She booked the trip that afternoon. When they returned home, Barney realized he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life just entertaining himself. Instead, he decided he would focus on his relationships and his quality of life.
He said, “I am most sad about the impact this disease is going to have on my family, so I’m going to put all of my energy toward living with three priorities: Courage, Dignity, and Kindness.”
He even had a ball cap embroidered with the three letters “C––D––K” to help him remember how he wanted to live and treat others.
My heart ached for Barney, his wife, their children, and everyone who cared about him. Barney is a handsome, intelligent, successful man in his mid-fifties, and his brain is dying. Unfortunately, there is nothing anyone can do to change that. Barney accepted that he couldn’t change the diagnosis or stop the disease, but he could choose how he would live with it.
Thought for the Day:
"I understand many things are beyond my control, but nothing can stop me from choosing to live my life with courage, dignity, and kindness."
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