self-care during holidays

Let Go of Holiday Traditions and Focus on Self-Care

Nov 15, 2022

Is it time to celebrate Thanksgiving by letting go of traditions so you can focus on caregiver self-care? If you’re like me, you might have strived for decades to host Thanksgiving dinners that resembled Normal Rockwell paintings. 


Every year I envisioned our children, grandchildren, and other family members gathering congenially around our table, enjoying a delicious meal and intelligent conversation while expressing gratitude for our many blessings.


It didn’t usually work out that way. Regardless of how carefully I planned and prepared, someone usually arrived late or sick. Inevitably, someone who offered to bring a dish, walked through the door in need of the space, tools, and time to put it all together. Someone usually cranked up the volume on the football game to drown out a relative who was hell-bent on debating politics. 


I have to admit that after doing this more than 40 times, the logistics of preparing for and hosting the Thanksgiving meal for a houseful of people (even the people I love) lost it’s charm. 


So a few years ago, my husband and I decided to celebrate Thanksgiving by letting go of old traditions. I am grateful that we gave ourselves permission to do what we wanted to do rather than what I thought I had to do.I’m also grateful that all our kids forgave us for booking vacations and running away from home a few times. 


My wish for you is that you will honor the traditions that bring you joy during the holidays this year and that you will let go of any old traditions or expectations that wear you out or make you feel stressed.   


Thought for the Day 

"I am grateful I can choose how, when, and with whom I will celebrate the holidays this year."




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