5 Things Caregivers can Refuse to Do

Five Things Caregivers Can Refuse to Do

Jan 17, 2023

A dear friend, who was an Episcopal priest, proudly displayed a plaque in his office that read, “I refuse to gratify the devil by becoming discouraged.” 


I laughed when I first saw it, but after thinking about it, I realized there is tremendous power in the word “Refuse,” and I decided to embrace it.


We have no control over the impact age and illness will have on our care receiver, but we do have the power to choose how we think and respond to any situation. 


We can choose to accept some things, and we have the power to refuse other things.


Here’s my list of things that I refuse to do:   

  1. I refuse to focus on the things that are wrong in my life rather than on all of the things that are right.

  2. I refuse to spend time with negative, mean-spirited, or small-minded people.

  3. I refuse to put any age restrictions on what I can still learn and accomplish.

  4. I refuse to think I can't make a difference because I’m just one person.

  5. I  refuse to believe that I won’t have the strength, courage, or wisdom to deal with the challenges that lie ahead.


Thought for the Day  

"I refuse to give any person, situation, or event the power to limit me or bring me down."





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